Project Management and Coordination

Project Management is the collection of systems and methods which helps your project forward on a structured and controlled maner.

The focus is on determination of scope and budget in balance with quality, setting up a temporary organisation, preparation and planning to get to a controlled execution and implementation from design to start-up. Also change control and documentation is required. Safety is alwas number 1.

Each project requires a unique approach tailored to the customers situation.

Strategic Planning and Phasing

Nothing is so clearly required as project phasing and planning. Implementations however fails frequently for multiple reasons; the phasing is supposed to be known and planning is driven to pre-set and assumed milestones.

There are many aspects to phasing and planning which makes it easy to lose control and overview. Proactivity and communication are crutial for success, nevertheless  many projects are coordinated too much ad-hoc with known results; execution takes longer and costs more.

INLINE project can help you plan and phase your project strategicly, but also to plan in detail, to keep your project under control.

Engineering and Consulting

Engineering knows many disciplines, INLINE project has experience with process installations for fluids and powders, dosing and mixing, transferring and storage. 

During the past 20+ years, INLINE project  also built experience in utilities, such as HVAC and clean rooms, heating and cooling, steam and condensate, but also RO and WFI water systems, autoclaves and parts washers, cold and warm conditioned rooms and freezers, etc.


Some endcustomers
Go to LinkedIn for all references

Mich Huyge

Business manager and Consultant

mobile : +32 (474) 98.27.03
e-mail :

INLINE project BV


BNP Paribas Fortis :
BE34 001357979 99

INLINE project BV - 2021
Tien Aprillaan 4, B-9820 Merelbeke
